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Office of Justice Programs

A Division of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety

What's New?

2023 Annual Report for the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives Office

2023 MMIR Office Annual Report Cover

While the Minnesota Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives (MMIR) Office has existed since 2021, this past year was the first time its team was fully staffed and able to begin work in earnest. 

What the MMIR Office has learned is that resiliency is a core concept behind every action they take. Team members have adapted to the unique circumstances of the growth of a new office. Through it all, they have unequivocally flourished at the challenge of employing all 20 mandates outlined in the 2019 Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women’s Task Force Report.

Review the activities conducted by the MMIR Office in the 2023 annual report. ​

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​Christy's ex-boyfriend almost killed her. She is a domestic violence survivor because she reached out for help. If you are experiencing violence at the hands of a family member or loved one, help is available. Call 866-223-1111 or visit DayOneServices.org.

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